Lesson 3.2: Shopping and Bargaining

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned the essential Spanish vocabulary and phrases needed for shopping, including how to bargain effectively. This skill is invaluable for navigating markets and stores in Spanish-speaking countries, ensuring students can secure the best deals and practice their language skills in real-world situations.


Imagine wandering through a vibrant market in a Spanish-speaking country, where every stall is a treasure trove of local crafts, textiles, and delicacies. The art of bargaining is not just about getting a good price; it’s a cultural dance, a way of connecting and engaging with local vendors. Today’s lesson will equip you with the language tools you need to shop and bargain confidently in Spanish. You’ll learn how to inquire about prices, express interest, and negotiate deals, all while immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of local commerce. Let’s dive into the bustling world of shopping and bargaining in Spanish!

Learning Content

  1. Basic Shopping Vocabulary
  • ¿Cuánto cuesta/cuestan? (How much does it cost? / How much do they cost?)
  • ¿Tiene algo más barato? (Do you have something cheaper?)
  • Quiero comprar… (I want to buy…)
  • Estoy buscando… (I’m looking for…)
  • La rebaja (The discount)
  • El mercado (The market)
  • La tienda (The store)
  1. Bargaining Phrases
  • ¿Puede darme un descuento? (Can you give me a discount?)
  • Es demasiado caro. (It’s too expensive.)
  • ¿Acepta…? (Do you accept…?)
  • Me llevo… por… (I’ll take… for…)
  • Es mi última oferta. (It’s my final offer.)
  1. Understanding and Using Currency
  • Familiarize students with the currency used in Spanish-speaking countries they might visit.
  • Practice converting currency and discussing prices in Spanish.


  1. Market Simulation
  • Transform the classroom into a mock market. Assign roles as buyers and sellers, and use props to simulate shopping scenarios where students can practice bargaining in Spanish.
  1. Price Comparison Challenge
  • Give students a list of items and have them research online or in advertisements how much these items cost in a Spanish-speaking country. Then, discuss in Spanish why there might be price differences based on location.

Discussion Questions

  • How do shopping and bargaining practices vary across Spanish-speaking countries?
  • Discuss the importance of politeness and cultural sensitivity when bargaining in a foreign country.

Expanding Learning

  • Investigate the significance of local markets in a specific Spanish-speaking country, focusing on the types of goods sold and the cultural aspects of shopping and bargaining in that country.
  • Create a guidebook page in Spanish for a traveler visiting a market in a Spanish-speaking country, including useful phrases, tips for bargaining, and cultural etiquette.


Mastering the art of shopping and bargaining in Spanish not only allows you to navigate markets and stores with ease but also offers a unique window into the culture and daily life of Spanish-speaking countries. Today, you’ve gained valuable skills that will enhance your travel experiences and enrich your understanding of diverse marketplaces. Remember, the key to successful bargaining is respect and patience. Continue practicing these phrases, and soon, you’ll be shopping like a local. ¡Felices compras!

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