
Poem Remansillo by Lorca with audio, translated into English and image created by AI under the influence of the painter Esteban Murillo
Poem Remansillo by Lorca with audio, translated into English and image created by AI under the influence of the painter Esteban Murillo

Me miré en tus ojos

pensando en tu alma.

Adelfa blanca.

Me miré en tus ojos

pensando en tu boca.

Adelfa roja.

Me miré en tus ojos.

¡Pero estabas muerta!

Adelfa negra.

Translation to English

I looked into your eyes

thinking of your soul.

White oleander.

I looked into your eyes

thinking about your mouth.

Red oleander.

I looked into your eyes.

But you were dead!

Black oleander.

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