Poema de la siguiriya gitana. La Guitarra

imagen al estilo de Manuel Ángeles Ortiz del poema de Lorca Poema de la siguiriya gitana. La Guitarra
imagen al estilo de Manuel Ángeles Ortiz del poema de Lorca Poema de la siguiriya gitana. La Guitarra

Image inspired by the poem “Poema de la seguiriya gitana. La Guitarra” by Federico García Lorca, in the style of Manuel Ángeles Ortiz. The scene features a lone guitar, central to the composition, evoking a sense of melancholy and longing. The background is abstract, with soft, swirling colors that reflect the deep emotional tones of the poem. Elements of Andalusian culture, such as flamenco dancers or traditional Spanish motifs, are subtly incorporated into the design. The overall atmosphere is somber but rich, with a focus on the guitar as a symbol of pain and passion.

Empieza el llanto

de la guitarra.

Se rompen las copas

de la madrugada.

Empieza el llanto

de la guitarra.

Es inútil callarla.

Es imposible


Llora monótona

como llora el agua,

como llora el viento

sobre la nevada.

Es imposible


Llora por cosas


Arena del Sur caliente

que pide camelias blancas.

Llora flecha sin blanco,

la tarde sin mañana,

y el primer pájaro muerto

sobre la rama.

¡Oh, guitarra!

Corazón malherido

por cinco espadas.

Translation to English: Gypsy seguiriya poem. Guitar

The crying begins

of the guitar.

The glasses are broken

in the early morning.

The crying begins

of the guitar.

It is useless to silence her.

It’s impossible

shut her up.

Monotonous cries

like water cries,

like the wind cries

about the snowfall.

It’s impossible

shut her up.

Cry about things


Hot Southern Sand

who asks for white camellias.

Cry arrow without target,

the afternoon without tomorrow,

and the first dead bird

on the branch.

Oh, guitar!

Badly wounded heart

for five swords.

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